Month: November 2017

Seeking Nominations for ATTW Vice-President & At-Large Members

Every three years the ATTW membership elects a new vice president (who goes on to serve as president) and three members-at-large. As current ATTW Vice President, I am writing to solicit nominations for these positions (duties briefly outlined below). If you or someone you know would be a good candidate for any of these positions, please send Angela Haas your nomination(s) by December, 9, 2017 to

The nominating committee will meet mid-December to finalize a slate of candidates.

Duties of the ATTW Elected Positions (per the ATTW constitution:

The Members-at-Large shall

  1. Perform all duties and functions requested by the President or the Executive Committee through the President; and
  2. Serve on the Executive Committee.

The Vice President shall

  1. Perform all duties and functions requested by the President;
  2. Perform all duties and functions of the President when the President is incapacitated;
  3. Chair the Nominating Committee; and
  4. Serve on the Executive Committee.

Because the VP goes on to serve as President, I have included those duties as well.

The President shall

  1. Serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the organization;
  2. Chair the Executive Committee;
  3. Preside at all meetings scheduled for the conduct of the organization’s business/affairs;
  4. Represent the organization at all official functions;
  5. Present all matters of organizational operations and business to the Executive Committee for its information and/or approval.
  6. Submit all proposals for the expenditure of organizational funds in amounts exceeding $250.00 to the Executive Committee for approval; and shall
  7. Appoint individuals and committees as needed to conduct the business/affairs of the organization in an efficient and timely manner.



Call for TCQ Editor & Host Institution

Search for Editor and Host Institution: Technical Communication Quarterly (TCQ)

The Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW) is seeking an editor and institutional home for Technical Communication Quarterly for a five-year, renewable commitment to begin September 1, 2018. The initial issue for the new editor(s) will be the first issue for 2019, but the appointed editor should be available to work with the current editor between July 1 and September 1, 2018. TCQ is published as a print journal four times per year by Taylor & Francis, LLC. The journal is also published online, and it is now included in the publisher’s iFirst workflow, which means that preprint versions of forthcoming articles are published throughout the year on the journal’s website, changing the traditionally structured concrete deadlines to a more continuous workflow.

The new editor should be an accomplished scholar, a tenured member of the faculty, and a member of ATTW who is conversant with and committed to its goals. A successful proposal must demonstrate both the prospective editor’s credentials and institutional support for publishing the journal.

Taylor & Francis, as well as ATTW, will provide some annual financial support for the journal. Taylor & Francis produces, promotes, and distributes the journal and thus is responsible for subscriptions, marketing, and advertising. The new editor will likely need an editorial team, especially for copyediting manuscripts, to ensure the high quality of final articles. Applicants should be sure to discuss the financial contribution of the proposed host institution.

The prospective editor will solicit articles, arrange for blind reviews, provide feedback to authors, deliver manuscripts to Taylor &Francis according to the schedule they have set, nominate articles and special issues for appropriate awards and recognition, provide an annual report of the state of the journal, chair the editorial board, and meet annually with the ATTW Executive Committee at the ATTW conference.

The completed, brief proposal (2-3 pages) must include the following:

  • name of editor(s) and rank
  • statement of vision for the journal
  • projected annual budget, highlighting institutional commitment

Proposals should also include:

  • letters of support from institution’s administration
  • current vita of editor(s)

Proposals should be sent to ATTW President Michelle F. Eble by January 15, 2017. Following discussion and consideration with the executive committee of ATTW, the announcement of the editor will be made by April 2018.
For more information, contact Michelle F. Eble at or 252.328.6042.